aBe PaZoS SoLaTie

Oct 2013

Thu Oct 31, 2013

This is a semi-automated backup of my old Tumblr account.

October 2013

10/31/2013 02:07:00 PM

My sudoku

I dance, I ride my bicycle, I code. It’s all fun.


10/29/2013 05:23:00 PM



By varying the slope the effect looks less like a star field and more like snow flakes. Inspired by this one.

The random speeds, directions, sizes and positions makes the loop harder to notice.

10/29/2013 01:13:00 AM

A small loop-drawing Processing program. Inspired by Deluxe Paint, an Amiga program that allowed this style of animation already 20 years ago.

In this video I explain how to draw such animations.

By the way: did you know that Guybrush Threepwood got his name in part because of Deluxe Paint? One more piece of useless knowledge :)

10/27/2013 12:43:00 PM

A recursive animated imperfect Branch() that grows. Featuring vignetting, noise, blur, a sun and a little shadow.

10/22/2013 02:06:00 AM

The Scream

Funny how humans see faces everywhere.

10/21/2013 01:43:00 AM

Drawing tool to produce images out of video files

A program plays a video file in the background. The user can only hear the sound from the video and paint using a graphic tablet. From the tip of the pen lines are sketched in different directions. The directions and colors are decided by the color of the corresponding pixels in the invisible video clip being played. Randomness has a limited effect on the result.

It took about 30 minutes to draw this image. The original video shows me cutting a fallen tall tree in a forest in Finland.

10/18/2013 04:03:00 PM

Today I tried creating a class that contains an instance of an object with the same class. Of course it can not be initialized by default, or it would fall into an infinite loop. The point is to have a tree like structure, and commands sent to the parent are cascaded to the children objects. Parents can decide to create children who look and behave like them. Why? I wanted to program a growing tree. And I wanted that if a branch stops growing, child branches also stop growing. A recursive class seemed like a good idea. I’ll post the trees one of these days.

class Recursive { Recursive c; … }

10/18/2013 03:47:00 AM

No randomness this time.

10/17/2013 02:26:00 PM

Recursive combination of two photos.

10/16/2013 02:23:00 AM

Convert radius and two angles (spherical coordinates) into x, y, z.

float x = r \* sin(a) \* cos(b);\
float y = r \* sin(a) \* sin(b);\
float z = r \* cos(a);

I programmed this in Processing. You too can learn! :)

10/15/2013 01:35:00 AM

My first Processing animgif. Overlapping loops of objects that accelerate and decelerate.

Source code

10/14/2013 10:52:00 PM

Four circles in each circle

10/08/2013 01:34:00 AM

float i;void setup(){size(900,900,P3D);}void draw(){translate(450,450);rotateY(i+=.017);rotateZ(i\*.13);rect(200,200\*sin(i\*.87),90,90);}//#p5

//More Processing Tweets

10/08/2013 01:30:00 AM

[int i,w=900;void setup(){size(w,w);}void draw(){fill(0,4);stroke(255,87);bezier(++i%w,w-(i%w),i/.23%w,i*7%w,i/.17%w,i/.3%w,i*6%w,w/2);}//#p5]{.child}

// More Processing tweets

10/08/2013 01:13:00 AM

int[]i=new int[4];
int a,c;
void setup() {
void draw() { 

//More Processing tweets

Tags: processing. tumblr.