aBe PaZoS SoLaTie

November 2013

Sat Nov 30, 2013

This is a semi-automated backup of my old Tumblr account.

Human interaction


Broken heart


Pixel heart


Somehow I started wondering if I could read 3D data files from Processing. I found lots of 3D objects at Archive 3D, and there I found the heart. Once downloaded I noticed it was a binary file. Nothing that a short visit to the Ubuntu Software Center could not fix. I downloaded MeshLab, imported the .3DS object and exported a .json file. See, I often like to do the things the hard way, using no libraries. I wanted to read numbers from a file, and decide what to do with those numbers. I did not want to simply place a 3D object on the screen, but maybe use the vertex data for something else.

Reading .json files from Processing is very simple (loadJSONObject), and .json files are quite readable by humans. I discovered that the file contained several arrays: a list of points, a list of normals (which I ignored), and a list of triangles. Each 3D point is just three floats one after another (x, y, z) and each triangle is three ints (the array IDs of three points).

I made several experiments: I tried making the points blink in different ways, I tried joining the points with lines… Finally I decided to upload this animation, in which I draw triangles while choosing the colors for each one depending on the z coordinate of the its first point.

Interesting trick: when you mix 2D and 3D it may happen that your 3D objects are half behind the 2D plane. In this case, part of the heart was behind of the background lines. It did not look good. It solved it by calling some undocumented functions: hint(DISABLE_DEPTH_TEST); then draw 2D stuff, then hint(ENABLE_DEPTH_TEST); and finally draw the 3D stuff.

9Buffers 2Synths


I took a photo. recorded some sounds. I programmed SuperCollider, which loaded those sounds. Buddha Orchestra loaded the photo. I played Buddha Orchestra, which kept looking at the photo and sending numbers to SuperCollider while I pressed certain keys on the keyboard.

The sound is the result.

SoundCloud / hamoid

Taas Tuli Tyhjäks


Finally I was able to see the prints in Lauttasaari and I’m quite happy with them. They have a lot of detail.

Above, a 1:1 crop of one of the images, and a photo I took today at the library. Here a video showing the image being born.

Spherical heart


Spherical heart made out of 100 triangular emotions.

Oh I’m so romantic.


One minute of MtGox


Real time visualization of bitcoin activity using websockets in Processing. I will release the code and maybe record a video tutorial about how it works. The image is not that interesting, but I’m so happy that I made it work that I have to upload something, no matter how ugly :) It was tricky, because the java-websocket library was refusing to handshake. After much research I thought of adding an “origin” header and that made it work.

STM viz at the Science Hack Day


Visualizing scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) data from the paper “Ge(001) As a Template for Long-Range Assembly of π-Stacked Coronene Rows” at the Science Hack Day Berlin.

Mixed media


Oil, soy milk, lemon juice, variables and loops.

Sine mountains


Sine mountains are back.

I programmed this in Processing. You too can learn! :)



A cropped heart drawn out of photos

Partially predictable


Generated with a drawing program that uses pairs of photos to choose colors and shapes. I draw with the graphic tablet, but the size, location and orientation of the stroke depends on the images.

It’s like having unpredictable brushes with unknown colors and strange properties. I carefully try them out, but by doing that sometimes I ruin the image. Then I press a key to load a new pair of images and I try to repair the mess.

A game that surprises me with unexpected beauty.

The source images come from my old Instagram account (now deleted).

Loops and math


The first layer, on the top, has one piece. Each new layer has one more piece than the previous one. The loop has 25 frames. In 25 frames each layer must rotate TWO_PI/amount_of_pieces. That’s a full turn for the first layer, ½ turn for layer two, 1/3 of a turn for layer three, etc. The colors are selected from a photo.

Glitchy loop


Not logic.

P5 Tweets


Thumbnails for the 39 Processing Tweets I wrote earlier this year. In most of them the animation part is very important, and it’s lost in a still image. Try them out :)

Continuity - Stability


One long line on the surface of a sphere.

Colors from photos


I wrote a program. I told the program in which folder I kept my photos. The program opened photo after photo looking at the colors and drawing wavy lines. These four were my favorite.



Creative Code Jam


In todays Creative Code Jam we wrote a program that shows a poem using all available displays, one letter per screen.

We initially experimented with webrtc and socket.io, but decided to use OSC. Next time I’d like to try socket.io to be able to send JavaScript code around and eval() it on each browser. The wireless network was quite slow (up to several seconds for each OSC message). Next time we’ll try a wired switch.

Photo of all those laptops by @sableraph.

Tags: processing. tumblr.