aBe PaZoS SoLaTie

February 2014

Fri Feb 28, 2014

This is a semi-automated backup of my old Tumblr account.

Zoom loop II


Twenty growing rotating tridimensional shapes constructed with sin().

Zoom loop I


The beginning must equal the end.

Silskscreen printing


After coding for 6 hours I’m ready for the silkscreen print workshop.

Shadow simulation


Slow dirty blur


This one includes a terrible blur effect I wrote, just because I could :) As the image is generated, this blur is applied 60 times, making older shapes fuzzy. Each time the program runs through 250000 random pixels, and exchanges 5% of its color with a neighboring pixel.

I think these images would have taken 100 years to render on my first computer… except that there’s no way it would run on just 3583 bytes of RAM.

Add depth with Focus Blur (test with Processing & Gimp)


Gimp comes with a filter called Focus Blur, which simulates lens blur. The effect can be directly applied on a single image, or using a layer (often gray scale) that serves as a depth map. The darkness in this layer indicates how far away are the objects in an image.

I wrote a small Processing program that generates an image twice: one time with the colors I want to see, and a second time on gray scale. In this second image, black indicates the areas I want sharp, and brighter shades indicate more unfocused / farther away.

I find this blur much more pleasant than a simple gaussian blur.

I got the idea from this tutorial, in which the technique is used to add depth to a photograph.

When doing 3D, it’s possible to get the depth map directly from Processing by doing a bit of hacking. One could then use this Gimp filter to simulate camera focus. But maybe it’s more convenient to export the scene from Processing and render it in Blender, or do some shader programming. Lots of options :)

84932.jpg, 34758.jpg and 49862.jpg, as saved by glowExp.pde.

oatcracker asked: Dear aBe, your post on 14 Feb is beautiful! Can you kindly share how you did it in Processing? Thanks!

A: Thanks! I recorded a tutorial. I hope that helps :)

Shadow experiment


Shadow experiment in Processing, applied to SVG shapes created with Inkscape. I think I’ll make a tutorial about this. It’s simple and maybe useful :)



I read Nature of Code, chapter 1 and wrote this array of objects that mix acceleration towards the mouse with random acceleration.

To create the glow, before drawing a filled solid shape, I drew the same exact shape four times with different strokeWeight() values (4, 9, 16 and 25) and low opacity (5, 4, 3, 2).

[update] By the way, everything is drawn in 2D. There is no 3D involved. Every 30 frames the whole image becomes slightly darker. Recent shapes are still bright, but old ones slowly fade to black. The difference in brightness, together with the glows and the curved shapes, produces the illusion of depth.

P5 tweets #43


Processing programs in 140 characters

source code

P5 tweets #42


p5tweet #42 - a Processing program in 140 characters.

FFT analysis


FFT analysis of an audio track mapped to a circle. The brighter red circle represents 0 Hz and separates the left channel from the right channel. Both channels show 11 frequency bands, each split in 3. The bands are 20 Hz, 40 Hz, 80 Hz, 160 Hz, 320 Hz, 640 Hz, 1280 Hz, 2560 Hz, 5120 Hz, 10240 Hz and 20480 Hz.

Time is mapped to the angle of rotation. It starts on the right side and it advances clock wise.

Stay a while. Stay forever.


P5 tweets #40 and #41


p5tweets #40 and #41, inspired by today’s Creative Coding meetup.

Two animated programs that fit in a tweet (140 characters).

None of the above


Avoid again


Many of the images I create form slowly over many minutes. I really enjoy watching the process of how forms are created, and in this case, how borders appear and disappear.

There are exciting Yes! moments in which the right element suddenly appears, and moments in which I shake my head and press R to restart.

In one instant there is not enough, one second later there is too much. As I watch, I keep asking myself … should I save now? now? now? Will it still get better? Or will it start decaying into chaos?

The process could be made more predictable. More efficient. Faster. Repeatable. But that would be like receiving the score of a game without actually playing it.

Cropped excerpts. Original size: 1920 x 1200.

Tags: processing. tumblr.