aBe PaZoS SoLaTie

September 2015

Wed Sep 30, 2015

This is a semi-automated backup of my old Tumblr account.

One red dot


Diverging and converging paths


Our lives are full of micro-decisions: the color of the socks we wear. The words we write or pronounce. The route to school. Some of them will lead us to very different futures, but in some cases we might end up in the same place, no matter what we decide.

On a rainy Sunday while listening to the deep subfocus.fm

Quantized Perlin Noise Meteorite


Quantized Perlin noise applied to angle


More photo mixing




Somehow these random compositions remind me of Dalí.



Several errors in one video. HSB interpreted as RGB. Multithreading errors with PGraphics. Tumblr’s destructive compression.

Low poly sun


Recycled carton board from the supermarket. A low poly sun to remember our star during winter.

Commodore Vic-20


My first computer is more or less from year 1984 and it still works. I did some generative design experiments using Basic :) There’s no drawing functions in this Commodore Vic-20, so I used Ascii Petscii characters (thanks 0x4e71 for the correction) to do this pattern. The first Poke instruction sets the character and the second one sets the color. There are only 8 colors available.

Tags: processing. tumblr.