Tue Mar 22, 2011
March 22nd. Bus to Hoi An. One thing we don’t like here is how prices are much higher for non locals. Sometimes there is a vietnamese menu and an english one with higher prices. This was obvious today in the bus. The guy in charge of selling the (invisible) tickets asked us for 50.000 each. I had read on the net the price was 20.000. To prove he was not overcharging, he asked a woman for 50.000 which she gave to him. My friend argued with the guy. He put his fingers on his ears like kids do. Later he returned us some money, so we ended up paying 30.000 each. When the woman got off we saw how she received her 50.000 back. She collaborated in making us believe 50.000 was the right price.
Da Nang was a big city with few tourists. But Hoi An is a small place full of tourists and businesses that want to sell them things. It was a pity to see huge luxurious tourist resorts on the beach with many more being constructed. When you stay in your nice safe pretty villa it doesn’t matter if you are in Brazil, Mexico or Vietnam. It’s just sea, sun and sand. But that’s all some people want.
I go to sleep hearing some funny and not so repetitive noises. Maybe frogs? They seem to have some kind of discussion.